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12/20/2024Moody's Rating ReportRating ReportsDownload ↓
12/02/20242024 Third Quarter Financial Status ReportQuarterly ReportsDownload ↓
10/10/2024General Obligation Bonds, Series 2024Official StatementsDownload ↓
09/24/2024Preliminary Official StatementOfficial StatementsDownload ↓
Q2 20242024 Second Quarter Financial Status ReportQuarterly ReportsDownload ↓
Q4 20232023 Fourth Quarter Financial Status ReportQuarterly ReportsDownload ↓
09/20/2023General Obligation Bonds, Series 2023Official StatementsDownload ↓
Q3 20232023 Third Quarter Financial Status ReportQuarterly ReportsDownload ↓
Q2 20232023 Second Quarter Financial Status ReportQuarterly ReportsDownload ↓
20232023 Adopted BudgetAnnual Operating BudgetDownload ↓
20232023 Annual Comprehensive Financial ReportAnnual Comprehensive Financial ReportsDownload ↓
20232023 CLIC Report (2024-2029)Capital Long-Range Improvement Committee ReportsDownload ↓
Q4 20222022 Fourth Quarter Financial Status ReportQuarterly ReportsDownload ↓
08/24/2022General Obligation Bonds, Series 2022Official StatementsDownload ↓
Q3 20222022 Third Quarter Financial Status ReportQuarterly ReportsDownload ↓
Q2 20222022 Second Quarter Financial Status ReportQuarterly ReportsDownload ↓
20222022 Adopted BudgetAnnual Operating BudgetDownload ↓
20222022 Annual Comprehensive Financial ReportAnnual Comprehensive Financial ReportsDownload ↓
20222022 CLIC Report (2023-2028)Capital Long-Range Improvement Committee ReportsDownload ↓
2022Capital Planning & Debt Overview for Years 2022-2027Capital PlanningDownload ↓
11/05/2021General Obligation Bonds, Series 2021Official StatementsDownload ↓
11/05/2021Taxable General Obligation Housing Improvement Area Bonds, Series 2021Official StatementsDownload ↓
Q4 20212021 Fourth Quarter Financial Status ReportQuarterly ReportsDownload ↓
Q3 20212021 Third Quarter Financial Status ReportQuarterly ReportsDownload ↓
Q2 20212021 Second Quarter Financial Status ReportQuarterly ReportsDownload ↓
20212021 Adopted BudgetAnnual Operating BudgetDownload ↓
20212021 Annual Comprehensive Financial ReportAnnual Comprehensive Financial ReportsDownload ↓
20212021 CLIC Report (2022-2027)Capital Long-Range Improvement Committee ReportsDownload ↓
Q4 20202020 Fourth Quarter Financial Status ReportQuarterly ReportsDownload ↓
09/24/2020General Obligation Bonds, Series 2020Official StatementsDownload ↓
09/24/2020General Obligation Parking Assessment Refunding Bonds, Series 2020Official StatementsDownload ↓
09/24/2020Taxable General Obligation Convention Center Refunding Bonds, Series 2020Official StatementsDownload ↓
Q3 20202020 Third Quarter Financial Status ReportQuarterly ReportsDownload ↓
Q2 20202020 Second Quarter Financial Status ReportQuarterly ReportsDownload ↓
20202020 Adopted BudgetAnnual Operating BudgetDownload ↓
20202020 Annual Comprehensive Financial ReportAnnual Comprehensive Financial ReportsDownload ↓
20202020 CLIC Report (2021-2026)Capital Long-Range Improvement Committee ReportsDownload ↓
11/27/2019General Obligation Bonds (Green Bonds) Series 2019Official StatementsDownload ↓
Q4 20192019 Fourth Quarter Financial Status ReportQuarterly ReportsDownload ↓
Q3 20192019 Third Quarter Financial Status ReportQuarterly ReportsDownload ↓
05/21/2019General Obligation Improvement and Various Purpose Bonds, Series 2019Official StatementsDownload ↓
05/21/2019Taxable General Obligation Housing Improvement Area Bonds, Series 2019Official StatementsDownload ↓
Q2 20192019 Second Quarter Financial Status ReportQuarterly ReportsDownload ↓
20192019 Adopted BudgetAnnual Operating BudgetDownload ↓
20192019 Annual Comprehensive Financial ReportAnnual Comprehensive Financial ReportsDownload ↓
20192019 CLIC Report (2020-2025)Capital Long-Range Improvement Committee ReportsDownload ↓
10/22/2018General Obligation Capital Improvement Bonds (Green Bonds), Series 2018Official StatementsDownload ↓
10/22/2018General Obligation Library Referendum Refunding Bonds, Series 2018Official StatementsDownload ↓
05/18/2018General Obligation Improvement and Various Purpose Bonds, Series 2018Official StatementsDownload ↓
05/18/2018Taxable General Obligation Bonds, Series 2018Official StatementsDownload ↓